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Publications and Conference Talks

Peer-Reviewed Publications

First Author

Second Author

Third Author



Invited Talks

  • Framework and Initial Steps Towards Industry-Relevant Undergraduate Electrochemical Engineering Education. Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting, May 2024.

  • Limitations to our Understanding of the Limiting Current. Battery Modeling Webinar Series, 2023.

  • Inaccessible Current-Induced Phase Transitions in Block Copolymer Electrolytes. APS March Meeting, 2022.

  • Distortion of Lamellae in a Block Copolymer Electrolyte Under Polarization. ALS User Meeting, 2021.

  • Using 7Li NMR to Detect Order-to-Disorder Transitions in Block Copolymer Electrolytes. ACS Fall Meeting, 2020.


  • Grundy, L. S. Contradicting Objects: An Activity Systems Perspective Towards Transformative Learning, ASEE Annual Conference, June 2024.

  • Grundy, L. S. Reflections on a “Math Disaster”: Responding to Teaching Mistakes. ASEE Annual Conference, June 2024.

  • Student Metacognitive Reflection on a Conceptual Statics Question. ASEE Annual Conference, June 2023.

  • Inaccessible Current-Induced Phase Transitions in Block Copolymer Electrolytes. ACS Spring Meeting, 2022.

    • ​Selected for ACS POLY Excellence in Graduate Research Symposium

  • Inaccessible Phase Transitions in Block Copolymer Electrolytes. APS March Meeting, 2022.

    • Presented in the Dillon Medal symposium.​

  • Impact of Frictional Interactions on Conductivity and Transference Number in Ether-Based Electrolytes. APS March Meeting, 2021.

  • Locating Phase Transitions in Block Copolymer Electrolytes. APS March Meeting, 2019.


  • Distortion of Lamellae in a Block Copolymer Electrolyte Under Polarization. SLAC User Meeting, 2021.

    • Winner of Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award.​

  • Correlation Between Monomeric Friction Coefficient and Ionic Diffusivity in Polymer Electrolytes. Polymer Physics Gordon Research Conference, 2018.

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