Education and Outreach
I believe that scientists have a duty to use our skills to improve the world, and, when in positions of privilege, to use that privilege to work to improve our academic environments for the next generation of scientists. I would love to participate in new projects: CONTACT ME!
Classroom Teaching
Lead Instructor,
University of Pennsylvania
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Spring 2025: ENGR 5020: Engineering Sustainability at Penn
development and delivery of new project-based, Campus-as-Lab course in collaboration with Penn Sustainability Office
Spring 2025: CBE/ENGR 4215/5215: Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology
Fall 2024: CBE/ENGR 4215/5215: Energy and Sustainability: Science, Engineering and Technology
development and delivery of new graduate / upper-level undergraduate elective course​
Fall 2024: CBE 2300: Material and Energy Balances of Chemical Processes
Classroom Teaching
Lead Instructor,
Tufts University
Chemical and Biological Engineering; Education
Spring 2023: ED 20: Learning and Teaching in STEM: A Seminar for Learning Assistants (co-lead instructor)
Fall 2023: ChBE 193: Electrochemical Engineering
development and delivery of new graduate / upper-level undergraduate elective course​
Classroom Teaching
Graduate Student Instructor,
UC Berkeley
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Fall 2017: CBE 40: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Design
Fall 2018: CBE 140: Introduction to Chemical Process Analysis
Outstanding GSI Award (4 recipients per semester)
Spring 2020: CBE 40: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Design
GSI Excellence Award (2 recipients per year)
transitioned course to remote learning at the onset of COVID-19
Fall 2020: CBE 240: Graduate Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Outstanding GSI Award (4 recipients per semester)​
Pre-Engineering Program (PREP)
Chemistry Instructor
PREP helps incoming first-year Berkeley College of Engineering undergraduate students prepare for their first year courses. I designed and delivered all materials in a three-week program to teach students high school Chemistry, drastically improving student confidence. Videos of classes are publicly available.
Based on pre- and post-surveys, students reported significant increases in their confidence in atomic physics, Lewis structures, stoichiometry, and Chemistry overall
Leadership and Service
Departmental Service
CBE, University of Pennsylvania
Director, school-wide Energy and Sustainability minor​
Energy and Sustainability Committee, CBE department​
Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)
CBE, UC Berkeley
2019 - 2020: President
2018 - 2019: Vice-President, Treasurer, and Social Chair
I was elected to lead the graduate student body and represent our interests to the faculty. Through close collaborations between students and faculty, during my tenure we:
Administered, analyzed, and reported on annual departmental climate reports
Achieved stipend increases in two consecutive years
Increased student involvement in faculty hiring
Improved the annual progress reports
Implemented annual anti-racism seminars and trainings
Increased the availability of student-faculty interactions and mentoring
Additional Departmental Service
UC Berkeley
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
2020: Remote Instruction Committee
Coordinated department transition to online learning in response to COVID-19
Led technical and pedagogical workshops for graduate student instructors and faculty
2021: Affinity Groups Fellow
Coordinated a summer program to connect trainees with others with a shared identity, improving a sense of belonging in STEM at Berkeley
2021: Orientation Co-Chair
Re-structured the graduate student first-year orientation with an increased focus on student connection, belonging, and inclusivity
2019 - present: Respect is a Part of Research
Facilitated peer-led sexual violence / sexual harassment training​
Represented RPR on the campus-wide Coordinated Community Review Team
2018 - 2021: Balsara Lab safety coordinator​
NMR Facility
Assistant Manager
UC Berkeley
Organized and led trainings for all new equipment users, emphasizing safety of both users and equipment
Responsible for maintenance and repair of Bruker NMR instruments and user assistance when the Facility Manager was not available